
Tips to Lower Your Utility Bills

One of the things people are normally surprised by when they move into their first Phoenix apartment is just how high utility bills can get. Renters typically account for the rent but don’t realize that their other monthly bills need to be included in the budget as well. As we round out our resources for Phoenix apartments, it may be helpful for many to know that your energy bills are within your control. Here are some of the best ways to reduce your monthly energy costs in your new apartment.

Turn off the Lights When You’re Not Using Them

This is something some of our parents used to remind us about when we were kids– turn those lights off when you leave the room. The same rule applies now that you’re out on your own. Whether you’re just running a quick errand or you’re going to work for the day, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of turning your lights out every time you leave a room. When you go to bed for the night, you might want to do a final sweep of your apartment and make sure the lights are out in your kitchen, bathroom, and all other rooms.

Use Efficient Light Bulbs

Besides turning the lights out when you’re not in the room, energy-efficient light bulbs can help you cut costs in the long run. Lighting doesn’t account for a huge portion of your energy bill, but it’s large enough that the right bulbs can make a difference. You might also notice that LED bulbs will last a lot longer, so you can save a few dollars by not needing to replace them as often. If nothing else, this is good for the environment.

Mind the Thermostat

This is another point of contention between adults and teenagers in some homes. Once you start paying for the utility bills, you’ll become more aware of the fact that heating and cooling your home makes a massive impact on your energy bills. For Phoenix apartments, this will be most important during the summer when temperatures outdoors can get dozens of degrees above what most people consider to be comfortable.

You don’t have to live in a sweltering apartment to save some money here and there. Even if you just set the thermostat a few degrees higher than you normally would, you can still save a decent amount of money. To make up for the slightly higher temperature, just wear cooler clothes around your apartment and consider sleeping with a lighter blanket at night. You can always use a fan next to your bed, too– just remember to turn it off when you’re not around.

Wash Larger Loads of Clothes at One Time

This one will come into play if you have a washer and dryer in your unit. Waiting until you have a full load of clothes can help make sure you aren’t wasting energy when you do laundry. It also might help to wash at lower temperatures when you can, because the heating all of that water can use a surprising amount of energy.

Block the Heat

As we’ve already discussed, keeping your Phoenix apartment cool during the summer can be a demanding task for your air conditioner. Give it a break by blocking out some of the heat to keep your apartment cooler naturally. There are a few ways to do this, but blackout curtains are one of the best. They’ll help keep sunlight out of your apartment, which will keep it nice and fresh. You can even try closing the blackout curtains and turning the air conditioning off during the day while you’re out of the apartment.

You’ll be thankful for blackout curtains when you want to go to bed early or sleep in, too. There are plenty of options that are easy to install, so you can always take them with you to your next place when you move. If you still don’t want to invest in good curtains or drapes, just try keeping the blinds closed except for when you want natural light. Everything you can do to keep heat out of your apartment will make it easier to cool, which means lower utility bills.

Be Smart With Your Appliances

Leaving lights on isn’t the only way to rack up a large and unnecessary energy bill. The same applies to other appliances like TVs, radios, and computers– turn them all off whenever you aren’t using them. You can even find ways to reduce your energy consumption in the kitchen, like by boiling water in the microwave instead of on the stove. You might also want to avoid using your stove and oven as much as possible when your apartment is already on the warm side.

Get Good Fans

You might not need to cool your entire apartment as much if you have a few strategically-placed fans. For example, you can put one by your bed, one by your desk chair, and one by your favorite place on the couch. Keep in mind that fans cool people, not rooms, so there’s no benefit to leaving it running when you’re not there. Like with every other appliance, turn it off while you’re not using it to make sure you’re not wasting money.

Change the Showerhead

As long as there’s nothing in your lease to prevent you from doing this, it’s pretty easy to change your showerhead. You can find options that won’t use as much water as what may already be installed in your unit. Even if you’re not paying a lot for water, you could be running up a large bill for the cost of heating water before you shower in it. When it’s time to move, you can replace the old showerhead and take yours with you.

Keep Your Refrigerator Cool

A decent percentage of your electric bill might go to the fridge, but there are things you can do to help cut costs. If you fill your refrigerator with jugs of water, they’ll help keep it nice and cool in there. The temperature of the water won’t drop a noticeable amount unless you keep the door open for a long time, and there will be less cold air to replace when space is already filled. This is a great cost-saving opportunity for people who aren’t using their entire refrigerator space anyway, and you’ll always have cold water as an added bonus.

Don’t Block the Air

When you arrange your furniture in your new apartment, make sure you aren’t blocking vents, window units, or other sources of airflow. Doing so could make it less efficient when you need to heat or cool your apartment, which will lead to higher utility bills.

Phoenix Apartments for Rent

When you’re looking for apartments for rent in Phoenix, check the communities at Heers Management. Our state of the art facilities includes modern appliances that will help you use less energy during any season. We’ll even tell you more about the cost-saving measures that have worked best for some of our residents. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

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