reducing energy costs

8 Quick Tips for Reducing Your Energy Costs

Heers Management is committed to providing state of the art resources for all of our residents, and we’ve been hearing that some of our tenants are first-time renters. One of the hardest parts about renting for the first time is learning how to keep your power bill low, and knowing how much you should expect to spend on your monthly bills. To help out, here are eight easy ways to lower your energy bills.

1 – Turn off Lights When You Aren’t Using Them

If you leave your incandescent lights on all day while you’re at work, you could be costing yourself hundreds of dollars a year in unnecessary energy costs. Turn out the lights before you leave your apartment, and don’t leave the lights on in rooms you’re not using.

2 – Use Smart Lighting Solutions

In addition to turning lights out when you’re not using them, there are other ways to cut your energy costs with a smart approach to lighting. Reduce your incandescent bulbs with LED lighting to save on energy expenditures over time. Better yet, open the blinds to let natural light in, and you won’t need to use any energy at all to light your place during daylight hours. If you need light in a specific area, such as to read a book, cook, or work on a hobby, use a specifically designated lamp instead of lighting the whole room.

3 – Save Electricity in the Shower

Hot showers use a lot of electricity to get the water temperature up. If you can take cooler showers, or at least spend less time relaxing in hot water, you can save yourself a lot of money over time. Similarly, you can save some money by turning the hot water off and on again to prevent waste while you shave, wash your hands, and brush your teeth.

4 – Unplug Unused Electronics

Plugging some electronics in before every use might be more trouble than it’s worth, but this is a great tip to use for electronics that you don’t use often. Just staying on standby mode can use a surprising amount of power, and it’s not worth the waste for something you only use a few times a year.

5 – Don’t Cool an Empty Home

We understand that living in Phoenix your apartment can get very hot if not cooled down so it’s understandable if you want to leave it on all day. However, if you’re not home all day, turn off your air conditioner to save money. The system will be able to get your apartment cool in a hurry as soon as you get home, so there’s no point in cooling the air when no one is around to enjoy it. One of the great things about living in an apartment is that your home won’t have the opportunity to get insanely hot while you’re away.

6 – Use a Laptop Instead of a Desktop

Unless you’re a serious gamer or have other specific needs for a desktop, it could be a big waste of energy. Desktop computers are plugged in all the time, which means they’re constantly burning through energy, even when you’re away. Laptops, on the other hand, only need to be charged after they’re used, so you won’t be paying for energy you don’t use. Besides, laptops are a great way to take your computing on the go.

7 – Laundering Money

We’re not talking about cleaning money for the mob— all we mean to say here is that you can save a bundle if you’re smart about how you wash your clothes. Unless you really need to wash your clothes with hot water, keep your machine on the cold setting to save money on your energy bill. This prevents colors from running, too, so you’re killing two birds with one stone.

Also make sure you’re not running your machine just for a few items, because it’s much more efficient to clean full loads. To save on drying, consider hanging your laundry out to dry. This can lead to big savings in the long haul. If you absolutely must use the dryer, consider adding a dry towel with your wet clothes to reduce drying times.

8 – Avoid Using the Oven

The oven can use a lot of electricity, and it might also heat your home up when you don’t exactly want it to. Consider other ways to cook, like grilling outside or eating things that don’t need to be baked. Microwaves, crock pots, and toaster ovens are all great ways to heat things up without using as much electricity as the oven requires.

How to Reduce Electricity Bill

If you’re looking for how to keep your power bill low, one of the best tips is to find energy-efficient communities. Heers Management has a wide variety of units that are both beautiful and functional. Cut electric bill spending by moving into one of our state of the art apartments. Contact us to learn more about how much you should expect to pay for energy bills after moving into one of our apartments.

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