phoenix coffee shops

7 Best Coffee Shops in Phoenix

Thanks to the explosion of resources for Phoenix residents, there’s a wide selection of different coffee shops throughout the area. Chances are if you live anywhere in the city, there’s at least one coffee shop within walking distance from your Phoenix apartment. If you’re willing to branch out and try a few options, you’ll probably be able to find something even better. We’ve compiled a list of the best coffee shops in Phoenix, and it may be worth any extra time to go try these out for yourself. Here are seven of our favorite places to get a warm cup.

1  Sip Coffee and Beer House

Cartel roastery supplies fresh, premium, local coffee beans for this unique twist on a normal coffee shop. Enjoy spiked drinks like espresso martinis, Irish coffee, or their own take on the Hot Toddy made with cold brew coffee. You can also get your regular coffee, untainted by alcohol until it’s time to unwind at the end of a workday. Even without a splash of booze, Sip Coffee and Beer House offers some of the best joe around, thanks in large part to their skilled baristas and state-of-the-art brewing equipment. You’ll also find more than 10 beers on tap here, with options from some of our favorite local breweries.

2  Peixoto Coffee

This coffee shop gets its beans directly from a family-run coffee farm in South America, which maintains unique accountability from farm to cup. The payoff is clear in their premium specialty coffee beans, some of which have won awards in the past. This place is worth visiting if you’re searching for the best coffee in the Phoenix area, or if it’s after 3 pm and you’ve got a sweet tooth. Peixoto coffee offers an affogato bar every afternoon, allowing their guests to create their own take on these sweet drinks which traditionally mix espresso and gelato. In this case, though, there are plenty more options for what you can add.

3  Jobot

If you’re looking for a place to burn the midnight oil, Jobot is the coffee shop for you. It’s open until midnight during the week, and for a full 24 hours on the weekends. They source their beans from Cartel coffee roasters and offer so much more than premium local brews. You can also peruse their taco and crepe options to find the perfect midnight snack to go along with your coffee.

4  Fourtillfour

Love classic cars as much as you love coffee? Then Fourtillfour might become your new favorite coffee shop. Located in Scottsdale, this place is clearly inspired by the owner’s love for collecting Porsches and other classics. It feels right at home in a place that was converted from an old garage, and car enthusiasts love to meet up here for coffee before taking a drive around town.

5  Press Coffee

Press Coffee has multiple locations throughout the city now, and their growth makes a lot of sense when you think about everything this place offers. For one, it’s got everything you might expect from a top of the line coffee shop: home-roasted, small-batch coffee beans, ethically sourced beans, quality, and consistency. Press Coffee also goes above and beyond with educational options like roastery tours, brewing guides, and even cupping classes.

6  Maverick Coffee

As soon as you walk inside Maverick Coffee, you’ll be blown away by the attention to detail that goes into this space. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable, the baristas are educated and friendly, and the coffee is second to none. The beans are from Ritual Coffee Roasters in San Francisco, and the specialty food items are created in house. It’s everything you want from a carefully cultivated coffee shop without the snobby aura that sometimes comes with those places. You can even challenge your barista to a game of rock, paper, scissors on Fridays, and you may win a free coffee.

7  Rollover Donuts

Rollover gets its beans from Press Coffee Roasters and pairs it with milk from Danzeisen Dairy. You can tell from that alone that they aren’t skimping when it comes to ingredients. Their commitment to quality is even more apparent when you try one of their donuts, which is why this is one of our favorite options for when we want a sweet treat to go with our morning cup.

Apartments for Rent in Arizona

Heers is proud to offer a wide variety of communities in the Phoenix area, most of which are within a very short distance to some of the finest cafes in our city. Stop by today, and find a new coffee shop to try before your appointment. Contact us, and we’ll set up a showing.

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