Senior woman meeting smiling young family flowers at the door

How to Make a Great Impression on Your New Neighbors!

Whether you’re moving into a new neighborhood or you notice that “for rent” sign is finally gone, there are a few easy steps to make sure that you start off on the right foot with your new neighbors.

The most basic tips are simple courtesies, like:

•    Introduce yourself
•    Be considerate with noise levels
•    Keep an eye out for ways to be helpful
•    Consider simple gifts

Despite their simplicity, these steps can still prove awkward or difficult, especially if you are shy or don’t enjoy interacting with other people. However, living in proximity to others, which is generally unavoidable, can become unpleasant if you don’t try to cultivate a good relationship. Remember that first impressions can go a long way.


If you happen to be home when you notice someone moving in, take note of how much help they have moving in boxes and furniture. Particularly if they don’t seem to have any, this is a great time to introduce yourself as you can immediately offer to help move in.

On the other hand, if you are the one moving in, consider introducing yourself at this time with an apology for any extra noise the moving process may cause. Either gesture suggests courtesy.

Try to remember the names of your new neighbors. While it seems like most people have a hard time remembering names and faces, if you make a concerted effort to repeat it every few minutes, you’ll have a better chance of remembering.

Consider the Noise Level

Sometimes maintaining a low noise level can be difficult – when you have small children or are having a party, some noise will be involved. However, your neighbors are most likely to be forgiving of some noise if you warn them ahead of time that you are planning a noisy project. This is a good idea if you’re planning on a big housewarming party as you do not want your neighbors to assume you frequently hold loud parties. Especially in an apartment complex, and even on the bottom floor, remember that noise carries over some distance. While there is some inherent forgiveness for things like small children, mitigating the noise as much as possible makes for a considerate neighbor.

Be Helpful

This applies to more than just moving in. If you are able-bodied, take note of whether or not your new neighbors are as well. If they are elderly or otherwise might have difficulty with tasks like shoveling snow or moving garbage bins, you might consider doing it for them.

After a home improvement project, if you have left over supplies you do not want, consider asking if your neighbors would like those supplies rather than just throwing them out. Helpful neighbors lead to a strong community.

Simple Gifts

Even just a paper plate of housewarming cookies can mean a lot to a new neighbor. Simple gifts like home-grown tomatoes or even just a simple card really put the welcome in an introduction. While generally a gift makes more sense as a housewarming present, those moving in may consider something like a card if their new neighbors are not home when they would introduce themselves.

Consideration is Key

Ultimately, the best way to develop bonds with those living around you is to be considerate. Therefore, the best way to make a good impression is to suggest that you are considerate now and will continue to be so in the future. It’s always difficult when you have neighbors that are not considerate, but your attempts to foster a good relationship can only reflect well on yourself.

Heers Management

If you have any questions about your property, please consult with Heers Management. Our experienced team is ready to help.

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