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Decorating Your First Apartment? Check Out These Tips!

Decorating your first apartment can be a wonderful experience. It’s the time when you are no longer restricted by dorm guidelines or your parents’ rules, meaning you have a lot more freedom of expression. It’s another manifestation of your new-found independence.

Be careful, though – decorating your first apartment can be hectic if you do not have a plan.

Here are a few decorating ideas for apartments to help you create the perfect plan for your new home.

How to Decorate an Apartment

  1. Pick out a color scheme

Find a color pattern or style you want to stick to. Make sure it is one you enjoy and intend to stick to for the long run. Avoid trendy styles as you are more likely to outgrow them as soon as they go out of fashion.

  1. Buy neutral big-piece furniture

Your sense of style will change over the years and you may not be able to afford to change your furniture. To avoid having something you don’t like later on or that clashes with new additions to your style, buy furniture pieces that are neutral and can adapt to different styles. Also, consider buying furniture that can be restored or changed in the future.

  1. Opt for second hand

Decorating a new place can be expensive, especially if you opt for new items. To save some money, consider buying some decorations secondhand or accepting hand-me-downs from family members. There are many thrift and resale shops with great finds that are in almost new condition, as well as items that can be easily restored.

  1. Avoid heavy, bulky buys

Not only will heavy, bulky items make the space seem smaller, they will also be a hassle to deal if you decide to rearrange the space and, more importantly, when it comes time to move out. Save yourself the space and trouble and buy items that are small, lightweight and easy to move around.

  1. Consider double-duty furniture

If you are short on space, consider investing in double-duty furniture. Double-duty furniture serves two purposes, mainly as decorative furniture and storage. One example is a storage ottoman that can be used to liven up a room and store items while also serving as an extra seat or place to kick up your feet while you’re sitting on another piece of furniture.

  1. Add a new coat of paint

Depending on the apartment property rules, you may be allowed to paint your apartment whichever color suits you best. If you are not allowed to do so, ask for a fresh new coat of paint to liven up the place.

  1. Invest in window treatments

Adding the right blinds and curtains can make a space look a lot less like a rental and more like a home. They also serve a double purpose: The right curtains can shy away unnecessary light and heat while also adding a decorative element to the space.

  1. Add framed wall art

The days of posters are gone and it’s time to add more mature art to the walls. You don’t necessarily have to give up all of your old wall art. Consider having some of it framed to give it a more mature vibe.

  1. Adjust the lighting

A great way to create the illusion of space, as well as to create an at-home ambiance, is to set up the right amount of light. Add lamps in darker or gloomy areas of the apartment and consider adding mirrors in spots where you want more light but can’t add lighting.

  1. Add rugs

It is easy to forget that you can also include the floor in your decorating scheme. Add a rug to your living space to complete the room and give it a balanced feel.

  1. Add small statement pieces to small or empty spaces

If you have small areas or nooks that seem too empty but are too small for typical decorations, consider adding small statement piece that will brighten it up. For example, add bright artificial flowers to that empty space on the bookshelf.

For more great advice on apartment living, take a look at the Heers Management blog. We are here to offer all sorts of tips on apartment living from decorating to how to save on your utilities and other expenses.

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